Dr Rodrigo Aguilera joins World Anti-Doping Agency

Dr Rodrigo Aguilera, Principal Analyst in the Drug Control Centre, has been invited to join the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) working group on Gas Chromatography Combustion Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS).

The group will be responsible for the development of policy and technical documents on the detection of exogenous anabolic steroids (in anti-doping testing laboratories) across the anti-doping world. 

The World Anti-Doping Agency is a foundation set up by the International Olympic Committee to monitor and combat doping and the misuse of drugs as performance enhancers across all sports and countries.

“This is a real honour and an endorsement of Dr Aguilera’s standing and expertise in the field of steroid analysis, detection and interpretation in sports testing.” – Professor Kim Wolff, Director of King’s Forensics and Head of the Drug Control Centre